There's a natural mystic flowing through the air and if you listen carefully, well at this juncture for me it's all eyes on me, all ears . Kudos to my music dustbin side I put Bob Marley and Shakur in feature for the future .Rest in peace the legends  perharps of music soul food therapy.The life of felines can be Perhaps misunderstood thus this made me intrigued into this .I love the contrast the downpours spells on the landscape after showers as an enthusiast but to crown it all my naturalista and nature holism can convey that my love for film making and photography.Often overlooked this are mediums to portals that evoke proofs beyond wonder.Via the inscratable gaze of the lion I dwelve deep into their secret world.

When in tune with the universe everything aligns a savory moment a procrastinator or skepticals would not fathom.Am humbled to be a part of a minor's close first encounter in the secret life of cats away from the domestic ones in the heart of wildlife capital at Nairobi national park. Ambient  sundowner and breezy as the presence of this little souls make me euphoric crowned by scarlet decorated masai morans chanting renditions all perky at the park's entrance.

Moments into the animal orphanage I understand we just missed the animals feeding time in captive enrichment as a  manager  I can fathom the pros and cons but let's be optimistic and focus on pros. My friend Shark captured a young lioness in the cage which triggers me into lots of thinking.Sitting on an old rustic tree trunk it was a picture perfect moment. But going deeper than the cage zooming as an elephant enthusiast I dwelve deeper into the lioness moment.. was it siesta after being fed? A moment of gratuity and reflection perhaps.

Am glad and honoured sharing this moment with my buddy and his family .Speak of family bonds cats have strong family bonds which we share and as seen as divine entities since early Egypt and civilisations they are living embodiment of mysticism and grace with spiritual awe a fluid dance that transcends  limits of our physical world. 

Shark shot of lioness .was she reflecting?

Is it the gaze as if they see beyond the veils of our reality?am glad the little king curiosity far from domestic cats woven in the fabric of our cultural and spiritual consciousness. The tapestry of life, life is an extraordinary journey, a tapestry woven with countless memories, experiences, emotions that shape our identify and define us some etched in our hearts forever .

Lions fascinate me generally all cats with their retractable claws a thing we noticed the mighty paws of the lioness and cats have rosettes while young ,a thing to admire their resilience though not fond of water but will hunt even in the eye of the storm.I remember a moment in mara I witnessed the black rock pride converging with calls with litter of cubs.

Moving on swiftly like a cat, i couldn't help notice the mysterioses, a natural mystic flowing in the air and as per manta be on tune with the environment ,panthera pardus was sitting way up in a tree perfectly camouflaged only spotters recognized. Well I admire leopards rossetes and their elusiveness so silent yet beautiful as it sat high and mighty overlooking the park perharps sundowner on ngong hills, a lone time moment.

Cats, with their whimsical antics and mysterious demeanor, spark our creative fires, urging us to envision worlds unseen, realms untouched. They are the silent guardians of our imaginative worlds, reminding us that reality is but a small part of the vast tapestry of existence. In their quiet companionship, we find a gateway to fantasy, a bridge to worlds where the impossible becomes possible, where myths walk and legends breathe.

This feature is dedicated to all my friends and family who are cat lovers from Shark, Zahra , Ahmed with obsession with leopards as we did all circuits and how could I forget Manal , I call her the fur mom so tender with them 
BY SAITABAU CASTRO./Castro_on_safari.


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